Easily create coupons to offer your customers discounts with our dynamic coupon feature! Read more to learn how to implement coupons on your product pages.
Create A Coupon
- From your Offers tab, select Coupons and then + Create New Coupon
That will trigger a popup window where you can fill in the different options for your coupon. Here's a quick list of the options you have, and what they mean...
- Coupon Code: The text your customers will enter on the checkout page
- Coupon Type: Choose whether this coupon will take a percentage or a flat rate fee off your price
- Coupon Amount: The percentage/flat rate this coupon will take off the price
- Coupon Applied To: Decide whether this coupon will work for all of your SamCart products, or only a specific product you choose
- Coupon Description (Optional): A description of this coupon that is only visible inside of your SamCart account. Customers will never see this field
- Schedule a Duration (Optional): Set start date and time, as well as end dates for coupons
- Allow Recurring Discounts (Optional): Apply coupons to each recurring charge in a subscription, even after deletion or expiration.
- *Coupon Usage: If on a Scale or Enterprise plan, you will have the option to set up one time usage coupons! Scroll down to the Coupon Usage section for more information on this setting!
Coupon Applied To
- All Products
- This applies to every live product in your product dashboard.
- Specific Products
- You will have to search and individually add the products you want the coupon to apply to.
Schedule Duration
You can choose to allow a coupon to be used during a window of time, which means you can decide when the coupon will expire.
- The Start Time/End Time is based on the Marketplace Timezone.
- Coupons without a chosen End Date/Time will never expire.
After you have customized your coupon's settings, click Create Coupon. All coupons that apply to the product you are editing will be listed right there for you.
Boom, you're done. Your product's checkout page will now have a field where your customers can input any of your active coupon codes and claim their discounts.
Create A Coupon At The Product Level
In order to allow Coupons to be used on a product, you have to enable them at the product level! Head over to your Products page within your marketplace and click on the product you'd like to enable coupons for. Click on the Offers tab within the product: Scroll down to the Coupons section at the bottom of the page and switch the Allow Coupons slider to ON to allow coupons to be used on your product! Make sure to click Save Changes when you're done.
You can also create a new coupon directly from within your product! Click on the + Create New Coupon button - this will trigger a popup window where you can fill in the different options for your coupon. Here's a quick list of the options you have, and what they mean:
- Coupon Code: The text your customers will enter on the checkout page
- Coupon Type: Choose whether this coupon will take a percentage or a flat rate fee off your price
- Coupon Amount: The percentage/flat rate this coupon will take off the price
- Coupon Applied To: Decide whether this coupon will work for all of your SamCart products, or only a specific product you choose
- Coupon Description (Optional): A description of this coupon that is only visible inside of your SamCart account. Customers will never see this field
- Schedule a Duration (Optional): Set start date and time, as well as end dates for coupons
- Allow Recurring Discounts (Optional): Apply coupons to each recurring charge in a subscription, even after deletion or expiration.
After you have customized your coupon's settings, click Create Coupon. All coupons that apply to the product you are editing will be listed right there for you.
Boom, you're done. Your product's checkout page will now have a field where your customers can input any of your active coupon codes and claim their discounts.
Note: To allow coupons to be used on a product’s sales page, this feature must be toggled on at the product level, even if you’ve created it to “apply” to a specific product. Go to any product and make sure that the “Allow Coupons” toggle is “ON” - this is located on the Product Details tab!
Coupon Settings
- If you chose a Specific Product that the coupon applies to and want to add/remove products, click the “1 Product” text to make those changes.
- Click the Trash icon to delete the coupon.
- There is a pop-up modal that asks you to confirm if you want to delete it.
- Deleting coupons will remove them from all associated products & your customers will no longer be able to use it.
To delete a Coupon on a Product Level, simply just click on the trash icon.
Note: If a coupon is deleted at the product level it will be deleted completely.
Pre-Apply Coupons
Coupons are perfect for limited-time offers, and SamCart allows you to pre-apply coupons for your customers through the use of a simple URL parameter.
To pre-apply a coupon for your customers, add ?coupon=couponname to the end of your product's URL, with "couponname" being the exact name of your coupon.
For example, here is a live page with a coupon being pre-applied.
Click this link to see for yourself: https://potentpotables.samcart.com/products/the-samcart-product/?coupon=25off
Coupons + Subscriptions
Coupons can apply to subscriptions in two different ways: you can either apply the discount to every charge in a subscription, or just the initial charge (aka what your customers get charged on the checkout page).
You can decide if you want your coupon to be applied to each recurring charge in a subscription by turning this toggle to “ON” for Allow Recurring Discounts. This will apply even after a coupon is deleted or expires.
If you want the coupon to only apply to the initial charge in a subscription, this should be toggled “OFF”.
Note: Once a coupon has been created, this setting cannot be changed.
Coupons + Shipping & Handling
Coupon codes only apply to the price of your product. They will not apply discounts to any shipping & handling costs you might be charging.
Coupons + Multiple Payment Options
If you are using Multiple Payment options on a checkout page (like this), keep this in mind when you create your coupons...
1: Only coupons that apply to the Base Product will work on the checkout page.
The Base Product is the product that owns that specific checkout page. In our example, the Base Product is called "SamCart Product". The payment option is a second product that has just been attached as a payment option.
So coupons that do not apply to your Base Product will not work on this checkout page.
2: Any coupon that applies to all of your SamCart products will apply the discount to all payment options.
Any coupon that applies to all of your SamCart products will discount both the Base Product and any payment options you have on the checkout page.
To see this in action, apply the coupon code "earlybird" to our example checkout page. It will apply a discount to both products.
3: Any coupon that only applies to your Base Product will not discount the payment option.
Similarly, a coupon that only applies to the Base Product will not apply a discount to any payment options.
To see this in action, apply the coupon code "FullPay" to the example checkout page. It will only discount the Base Product, and leave the payment option unchanged.
4. Coupons will not apply to Upsells.
Coupon Usage (Only available on Scale + Enterprise Plans)
You can now set up usage settings for your coupons! In the Create a New Coupon slide out, you will see the following options:
Unlimited Usage - the Unlimited setting lets your coupon code be used an infinite amount of times. There are no restrictions to how many times an Unlimited Coupon code can be used.
One Time Usage - the One Time setting makes it so that coupon code can only be used once. Once that coupon code is used, it will automatically be void and cannot be used again, regardless of the customers email / purchase.
One Use Per Email Address - the One Use Per Email Address setting makes it so the coupon code only works for a unique email address once. This prevents a user with the same email address using the coupon code multiple times for the same product, but still lets users with different email address use the coupon code once. Note - If the coupon is applied to multiple products, customers will be able to purchase with the coupon using the same email on each product the coupon is applied to one time.
These rules can either be applied to some of your products or globally, depending on the setting you selected in the Coupon Applied To setting.
See When Coupons Are Used
Any time your customer uses a coupon for their order, you will see the coupon listed on your Orders tab, and in the popup window for the order.
To see how frequently a coupon is used, we suggest exporting the orders table and sorting by the coupon column.
Searching For Coupons
Have a lot of coupons and want to search for one coupon in particular? There is a nifty way to easily search for them without scrolling through pages and pages of coupons!
In Coupons, select the Filters icon and you can search by Columns, Operator, or Value. Click on + Add New Filter if you’d like to add another filter.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I use coupons with Pay What You Want products?
A: At this time, it is not possible to use the coupon feature with PWYW products. That said, coupons work for all other product types - one time payment products and limited and recurring subscriptions.
Q: What happens if a coupon is deleted?
A: It cannot be recovered. The orders that used the coupon previously will not be affected, you just won’t be able to use the coupon moving forward.
Q: Can I add a coupon to an already existing order?
A: You cannot add a coupon after an order is already created for both one-time or recurring. The workaround would be to create a new product and then use the Add to Order Feature.
Q: Can I remove a coupon from an existing order?
A: You cannot remove a coupon after a purchase is complete.
Q: How can I edit my coupon?
A: Once coupons are created, they can not be edited except for adding/removing the products that it applies to.
Q: Can I set my coupons to expire after a certain amount of uses?
A: You can now set a coupon to expire after a specific date, but you can’t set it to expire after a certain amount of uses.
Q: Can coupons be applied to taxes?
A: Yes, they will apply to the cost with taxes.
Q: Can I apply a coupon to an Order Bump?
A: Only coupons that apply to the base product will work on the checkout page. So, in order for a coupon to work with an order bump, it must also be applicable to the base product.
If a coupon only applies to the base product but not an order bump, the discount will only apply to the price of the base product. If a coupon applies to both the base product and order bump, the discount will be applied to the order total.
Any coupons that applies to all of your SamCart products will apply the discount to all payment options and the order bump(s).
Q: Can customers apply a 100% coupon to their orders?
A: Yes, however, customers will still need to enter credit card details.